Chester, Illinois - Home of Popeye

Tourism Commission – Membership

The number of members on the Tourism Commission shall not exceed twelve (12) members which excludes an Alderperson on the City Council and the Executive Director of the Chester Chamber of Commerce as long as he/she is a resident of the City of Chester and if not, then any other Director of the Chamber of Commerce may be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council to serve as a member. And the remaining members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council.

When a vacancy is open, a recommendation is to be submitted by Commission members to the Mayor of Chester for approval.

Members of the Tourism Commission must be a resident in the Chester area.

Length of membership on the Tourism Commission is for a two-year term. In the event a member is unable to complete the term, a replacement will be appointed to complete said term. The selection of the replacement will be the same procedure as all members.

Positions on the Tourism Commission are: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary and shall be elected by the entire Commission.

At the discretion of the Chairman, an advisory board comprised of members of the Commission/public may be appointed to discuss specific issues and make recommendations to present to the general commission for discussion and/or approval. Non members may be asked to participate as needed. the City of Chester and approved fund raisers of the Commission.


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